Program DemographicS
80% are residents of the City of Wilmington (19801, 19802, 19805 zip codes)
90% are minorities: 86% African American; 4% Hispanic
97% are male
The average age is 28 years old
26% are between 18 – 24 years old
62% are between 24 – 44 years old
12% are between 45 – 64 years old
The average term of incarceration is 59 months
The average term of community supervision is 45 months
Individuals have an average of 7.7 arrests prior to incarceration
8% have convictions for murder/manslaughter; 43% for possession of a firearm during commission of a felony; 46% for drug trafficking/drug dealing; 19% for robbery; 14% for assault
77% have dropped out of high school (35% of these individuals obtained a GED while incarcerated; 42% have no further education following their exit from high school)
95% have a poor work history prior to incarceration
The majority of participants are living in transient circumstances
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