
The New Start program is not simply about placing ex-offenders in jobs, albeit a critically important piece to reentry. The New Start program takes a very comprehensive approach, informed by evidence-based practices. They employ cognitive behavioral therapy to address the top driver of recidivism, distorted thinking patterns. They have had remarkable success working with a population that has been traditionally challenging. The success of the New Start program stands in stark contrast to the recidivism outcomes reported by most other reentry programs and probation offices. New Start follows the evidence and does it with fidelity through experienced practitioners. 
— John McDonough, Deputy Director, Delaware Division of Youth Rehabilitative Services
In my over 30 years as a State and Federal Probation Officer, I have not encountered an agency more exceptionally receptive to the needs of those under supervision of the Courts. All returning citizens are treated with the same dignity and respect. The students not only graduate, they go to work, support their families, pay their taxes, and behave like responsible citizens should, at a remarkable success rate. 
— John Selvaggi, Retired Chief US Probation Officer
The Delaware Department of Correction (DOC) works closely with the Project New Start staff to provide this valuable training opportunity for offenders currently under the supervision of the DOC or who are recently returning to the community after incarceration. We look forward to continuing to partner with Project New Start to improve the level of services provided to our offenders, assist them in finding employment and improve the safety of our communities by reducing the likelihood of recidivism. 
— Robert M. Coupe, Former Commissioner
Without people like you, people like me would not be able to help. 
— Jim Teoli, Recruiting Manager, Kenny Family ShopRites of Delaware